Luísa Dias

@luisadias.jpg /

Pronouns: She/her

Where are you from?: Lisbon, Portugal

Race/Ethnicity: Black / African American

Languages: English and Portuguese

Current Position / Role: Cover Designer at Wild Hunt Books, Creature Publishing

One favorite book you've worked on and why?: I loved working on "Necrology" by Meg Ripley. I appreciate horror books that stray from the typical gritty, gruesome aesthetic (which is great, but I like a challenge!). From the briefing, it aimed to appear beautiful at first glance, only to reveal subtle details that hint something is deeply wrong. A balance between delicate and unnerving. This project also allowed me to experiment with different techniques, including incorporating embroidery, which was a really exciting challenge.

How did you get into design?: It was a happy accident! I was studying Communication in college, but always gravitated towards visual and creative tasks during group projects. I was so passionate about it that I started learning how to work with Photoshop in my free time. Eventually, this led me to pursue a master's degree in Design and Visual Culture and I think that's when I felt right at home.

What do you like about being a book designer in publishing? : It's the perfect blend of creativity and collaboration. Getting guidance from the publisher is super helpful—it shapes the design’s vision, aligns with the book’s theme and target audience, and keeps things exciting.

Tell us a surprising fact about you?: I love cooking! My dad's from Mozambique and he's an amazing cook. He taught me how to make a lot of traditional Mozambican dishes. And my mom's side of the family is from Alentejo, a region in eastern Portugal with seriously good food too.

What did you learn about publishing that you wish you knew before? : Recognizing that rejection is a part of the journey is crucial. Sometimes, despite pouring your heart into amazing projects and creating work you’re genuinely proud of, it can still be turned down. I know it's a cliché but the secret really lies in not taking it personally, embracing feedback, and having the courage to try again.

What's one goal you have for yourself in this industry?: While I'm currently enjoying the creative freedom that comes with working alongside independent publishers and authors, I would love to work with bigger publishers as well. I've already had the incredible opportunity to work with Rodrigo Corral Studio and Astra House, and it was truly a fantastic experience. Learning from seasoned professionals in this environment is something I'm excited about and each creative/team of creatives has its own unique approach. My main goal is to have a diverse and fulfilling career in book design that allows me to grow both personally and professionally.

How do you overcome a creative block?: I’m still learning, but recognizing the need for breaks and recharging is crucial. When I’m well-rested, I can regroup, approach briefings differently, and find ways to make tasks more manageable.


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