Monique Sterling
Blog updated Dec 2022
@moesterrr /
Pronouns: She/Her
Where are you from? Jamaica, West Indies / Brooklyn, New York
Race/Ethnicity: Black / African American
Languages: English
Current Position / Role: Freelancer at PRH and other publishers (Freelance Motion / Book / Marketing Designer)
Transitioned out of the industry, where did you work before? How long did you work there? Worked in-house for 5 years at two separate major publishers.
How did you get into design? I started design as a junior in high school and I've been creating and working in different fields as a Designer ever since.
If you transitioned out of the industry, where did you work before? How long did you work there?: Worked in-house for 5 years at two separate major publishers.
One favorite book you've designed and why?: My Love for You Is Always by Gillian Sze and illustrated by Michelle Lee. It’s a stunning and gorgeous book about a mom’s love for her child and I had the opportunity to do the title lettering. It’s one of my absolute favorite and proudest projects.
How did you get into design?: Through college and then internships.
What do you like about being a book designer in publishing? : There are so many different types of stories out there, ready to inspire, educate and entertain readers everywhere. And it’s always exciting to have such a critical part to play in someone’s next favorite book.
Tell us a surprising fact about you?: I have an extra bone in my right hand!
What did you learn about publishing that you wish you knew before? : No one really gets properly trained and you learn on the job. So it’s okay to ask A LOT of questions and not feel bad about it.
What's one goal you have for yourself in this industry?: To double my salary.
How do you overcome a creative block?: Going for a nice long walk.